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How To Modernize Your Web Design

How To Modernize Your Web Design

“What’s the key to good design?”

A question asked by businesses across the globe.

Design inherently feels subjective, like one design might be better than another but you’d hardly know why. But hey, if it looks nice to you, it’s probably good right? Some agencies for digital marketing certainly seem to think so.

In reality, there are objective rules to design. And while following them won’t automatically make your web design shine, it will certainly up your game and give you the solid foundation you need to get people to actually stay on your website.

Digital marketing companies always try to create out of the box ideas by creating trendy content.


Simple, yet powerful.

Minimalism is becoming more common and popular every year, and for very good reason. Minimalist design doesn’t mean reducing the amount of important information or doing as little as possible—it’s an art of refinement.

By keeping only the most important aspects of what you’re selling, creating an air that your product is worth more than you’re letting on, that’s why minimalist design is so effective.

You’re not just showing less, you’re implying more.

The ability to keep your design concise, with fine use of empty space to let it breathe; that’s the key to alluring design.

Motion Graphics

Static sites are a relic of the past. It’s time to start moving.

One of the single most effective aspects of modern design is movement. Not only does it inherently enhance the look of your site, it also plays a major role in engagement.

The elements that you can utilize in motion include not just videos but animated icons, parallax scrolling or cinema graphs; anything to bring life and make it all pop to every page.

The power of motion is such that it gives your site life and increases engagement all in the same breath, so it’s a no-brainer to use it as part of your standard design wherever possible.

Web Designer gives the brand the power and opportunity to create creative websites using Motion graphic content. As per the industry trends use of animations, and interactive elements brings your creative vision to the websites.

Grid Design

A premier signature of modern design; grids are a fantastic technique to showcase a variety of artwork, branding services or just flex your design muscles as they almost always look nice if used properly.

The best part about grids is that they’re highly conducive to creative design. You can play with the size of the shapes and really give your site a unique look that brings it its own personality, like McQuade.

By allowing the ability to go a bunch of different directions with the look of the site, it becomes much easier to get flowing, natural design.

Colors Palette

Brands in the modern age can live and die by their color palettes.

It sounds a bit dramatic, but there is some real truth to it. Nowadays, the utilization of color theory is one of the defining aspects of any brand, and if used effectively can be the key to making your brand recognizable even without putting a logo.

If you need a prime example, you need to look no further than the leading gaming brands in the world. Xbox follows Green, and Playstation follows Blue, and every inch of their advertising is entrenched in those exact colors.

If you see a new game and see so much as a blue transition, you know exactly who it belongs to. That’s powerful.

Graphic designers carry out research from their end and co-ordinate with UI/UX designers to use colors which represent the brand’s product and services.

Smooth, Streamlined UI & UX

Clunky, crammed to the brim UI/UX is out.

Clean, smooth, and uncluttered UI/UX is in.

For UX, everything you present should be readable and presentable with strong use of empty white space, while still having a touch of being human to differentiate your brand’s identity.

For UI, you need balanced motion design, a very easy to use interface that flows naturally with how people browse sites, and ensuring that there are no external distracting elements that detract from core usage.

Utilizing these modern elements together is the key for any website to become more than the sum of its parts, majorly increase your overall engagement, and thus give it a natural way to rise in the rankings.

A UX/UI designer integrates these two areas by carrying out market research, and then suggests the brand’s to implement their suggestion on their website by providing them mockups, prototypes, website designs.
